
Local call: NO!
DOCUMENT_ROOT, The root directory of your server - /home/hemel/public_html
HTTP_HOST, The hostname of the page being attempted - hemel.waarnemen.com
HTTP_REFERER, The URL of the page that called your program -
HTTP_USER_AGENT, The browser type of the visitor - CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
HTTPS, "on" if the program is being called through a secure server - on
PATH, The system path your server is running under - /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/snap/bin
QUERY_STRING, The query string (see GET, below) -
REMOTE_ADDR, The IP address of the visitor -
REMOTE_HOST, The hostname of the visitor (if your server has reverse-name-lookups on; otherwise this is the IP address again) -
REMOTE_PORT, The port the visitor is connected to on the web server - 54570
REMOTE_USER, The visitor’s username (for .htaccess-protected pages) -
REQUEST_URI, The interpreted pathname of the requested document or CGI (relative to the document root) - /applets/Backup/test_cgi.cgi.20220501_163803
SCRIPT_FILENAME, The full pathname of the current CGI - /home/hemel/public_html/applets/Backup/test_cgi.cgi.20220501_163803
SCRIPT_NAME, The interpreted pathname of the current CGI (relative to the document root) - /applets/Backup/test_cgi.cgi.20220501_163803
SERVER_ADMIN, The email address for your server’s webmaster - [no address given]
SERVER_NAME, Your server’s fully qualified domain name (e.g. www.cgi101.com) - hemel.waarnemen.com
SERVER_PORT, The port number your server is listening on - 443
SERVER_SOFTWARE, The server software you’re using (e.g. Apache 1.3) - Apache
HTTP_COOKIE, The visitor’s cookie, if one is set -

day: 29
month: 11
year: -1
lat: 52.0854416
lon: 5.12929010
tz: 1
locatie: Utrecht, NL Interactief: test page - hemel.waarnemen.com

Testpagina voor 29 november -1

Tijdstippen zijn in wintertijd (MET)

JD: 1721024.458333 date: -1 11 28 time: 23 00 -0.000 UT
Uitleg   –   Meer interactieve applets   –   hemel.waarnemen.com   –   Astrokalender deze week

Test applet.

Je wordt gezien als een bot; ik toon daarom een voorbeeldpagina i.p.v. interactieve output.

Krijg je deze melding ten onrechte, neem dan contact op, en vermeld je systeem ID en IP-adres:

CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) —

Copyright © 2004–2025   Marc van der Sluys, hemel.waarnemen.com  –  De sterrenhemel voor Nederland en België  —  gewijzigd: 08/02/2025  —  bronvermelding